Russia’s war plans against Europe: Putin says ridiculous


Russian President Vladimir Putin says Russia is planning war with Europe — claims by the West are ridiculous. Putin said this while talking to pilots of the Russian military in the Tver region of Russia. This information is known from the report of the Russian news agency TASS.

Putin said, “Allegations (of the West) that we are planning to invade Europe after Ukraine are complete nonsense or ridiculous and are only an attempt to scare the people of the countries and extract more money from them.”

The Russian president also said that the Western world basically built this narrative when their economy is in recession and living standards are on the way to decline and this is very clear and everyone admits it. It’s not just hype, it’s actually happening.’

Referring to the heads of state and government of the countries of the Western world, Putin said, “They have to justify themselves (to the people) and therefore they are making their people afraid of the Russian poker and trying to extend their paws to the whole world.”

Meanwhile, European Union leaders have agreed to advance military aid plans for Ukraine with the proceeds of Russia’s seizure of funds. This decision was taken on March 21 amid a severe shortage of ammunition. The plan, if finalized, could provide Ukraine with about $3.3 billion a year from Russia’s resources.

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