Netanyahu is prolonging the war for political gain: Biden

US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu
US President Joe Biden shook hands with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He hinted that he had “reasonable reasons” to believe that the Israeli prime minister was dragging out the war in Gaza for political gain. Basically he is doing this to save his political career.

Biden said this in an interview given to the British magazine Time. The interview was published on Tuesday. Biden said he had a “major disagreement” with Netanyahu over what the future of Gaza would be after the war. At the same time, after the October 7 attack on Israel, what the country has done in Gaza, Biden also termed as “unacceptable”.

Last Friday, Biden revealed his plan for a Gaza ceasefire. He gave an interview to Time long before the plan was revealed. TIME wants to know from Biden, whether Netanyahu is deliberately advancing this war to save his political career?

In response, the US president said, “People have enough reasons to reach such a conclusion.” At the time, he said, he and Netanyahu have a big disagreement on the creation of a Palestinian state. He also said, ‘My main disagreement with Netanyahu is what happens after the end of the Gaza (war)? Will Israeli forces return home?’

Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden’s three-point proposal to stop the ongoing war in Gaza, if Hamas accepts it, then Israel will also accept it, US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby expressed hope. He said, “If Hamas accepts this proposal, the United States expects that Israel will also say yes to it.” We await an official response from Hamas. He said the United States hoped both sides would agree to begin the first phase of the plan as soon as possible.

The US spokesman also expects the two sides to sit down six weeks after the first phase of the ceasefire to discuss what the second phase of the ceasefire would look like and when it might begin.

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