The United States signed a 10-year security agreement with Ukraine

US President Joe Biden with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The United States has signed a 10-year security agreement with Ukraine, a victim of Russian aggression. The agreement was signed by US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on the sidelines of the G-7 summit of the world’s richest countries in Italy on Thursday.

In addition to this agreement, the G-7 countries also agreed to provide $50 billion in financial aid to Ukraine each year from the interest on assets seized by Russia, according to the report of the American broadcaster NBC News.

“We are not withdrawing our support (from Ukraine),” US President Joe Biden said at a joint press conference on the deal through his executive order. In fact, we stand together and fight against illegal aggression.” The press conference was attended by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

It should be noted that this agreement was signed after several months of negotiations between the United States and Ukraine. Under the agreement, the United States will commit to training Ukraine’s armed forces for 10 years, increasing cooperation in arms production, continuing military assistance and increasing intelligence sharing. However, this agreement is an agreement made by the executive order of the current president of the United States, which any subsequent president can accept if he wants to or not.

Meanwhile, the G-7 agreed to use the assets seized by Russia for its own interests, especially for Ukraine. This is what has emerged from a report of the British media BBC. According to the US proposal, the G-7 countries will collect $5 trillion in funds for Ukraine each year from assets seized by Russia. Through this, the coalition plans to put more pressure on the Russian economy.

According to the proposed plan, the money received from interest on the assets of G-7 and European Union countries seized from Russia will be given in the form of loans to Ukraine. After Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Western countries seized these assets in stages.

According to international rules, no country can give property seized from Russia to Ukraine. But even if the G-7 doesn’t immediately pass the plan, the interest earned from those assets could be given to Ukraine, which would give the country a huge advantage on the battlefield.

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