The condition that Hamas gave to Israel to abolish the military branchBasem Naim



The Izzuddin al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian independence group Hamas, will be disbanded. The condition, however, is that Israel must accept the independent state of Palestine and the borders of this state will be determined according to the pre-war borders of 1967.

Bassem Naim, a member of Hamas’s politburo in Istanbul, Turkey, gave this indication in an interview given to CNN on Thursday. In an earlier interview with AP, the deputy head of Hamas, Khalil al-Hayya, said the same thing.

Analysts say these statements by Hamas leaders are a sign of the group’s softening of its stance towards Israel. Earlier, Hamas wanted the destruction of the state of Israel, but now the group advocates a two-state solution. It even talks about abandoning armed positions if necessary.

Noting that Hamas will abandon the armed path if an independent Palestinian state is established, Bassem Naim said, “If the right of return of (Palestinian) refugees is preserved by establishing an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital, al-Qassam can be integrated into the national army (in the future). .’

Earlier, Khalil Al-Hayya said, “Hamas’ military wing will be abolished if Hamas follows Israel’s 1967 borders in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, forming a fully sovereign Palestinian state and accepting the return of Palestinian refugees in accordance with international resolutions.”

Meanwhile, neither Israel nor Fatah have given any official response after the statements of the two top leaders of Hamas. However, it does not appear that Israel will accept this position of Hamas. Because, after October 7 of last year, Israel has repeatedly promised to completely destroy Hamas. Even the current government of Israel under the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu is not willing to accept the creation of the state of Palestine and Israel following the 1967 borders.


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